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Deconstructed Yoga


I used to slightly dread

when it was time to go into downward dog pose

and chair pose was a close second. It wasn’t until I started learning how to modify the postures for my body, that I found myself enjoying the chance to refine my down dog during yoga class.


If this slight dread sounds familiar you might be good fit for deconstructed yoga.

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what it is

deconstructed yoga is a two day, collaborative learning experience where 8 of the common yoga poses will be broken down into their smallest parts. we will dig into the do’s and don’ts of alignment, exploring how anatomy and biomechanics impacts our yoga.

what you get


increase your understanding

of yoga poses as we break down how to do them and why they’re beneficial for us.


build more

in your yoga practice by exploring the different ways you can adjust these common poses to best suit your body.



about if you are doing a yoga pose “right” by learning what muscles are being targeted and how to know when you are engaging those muscles.

the poses

we will deconstruct


downward dog




warrior 1


warrior 2


forward fold






cat - cow


as we deconstruct

each yoga pose we will

do alternative positions that support and enhance the main posture. For example, we will do pelvic tilts and discuss how they impact down dog.

you will get a handout of each of these postures summarizing the movements we do and the discussions we have. these can be helpful to take notes on and refer back to after the workshop is done or to share with others.

who might be a fit

for this workshop + get a lot of benefit from attending


new to yoga

if you're new to yoga and want to feel more confident during classes or want to have the confidence to attend a variety of classes...this might be a good fit for you. you will learn foundational concepts of movement that can be applied to a variety of poses. 


back, knee or hip pain

if you're dealing with back, knee or hip pain and wanting to learn how to do yoga with out hurting yourself...this might be a good fit for you. you will learn the anatomy, bio-mechanics and sensations to pay attention to with each pose and how to modify yoga to best suit your specific situation.


wanting to be new to yoga

if you're wanting to be new to yoga but you feel overwhelmed with where to start or what to learn first...this might be a good fit for you. you will learn some of the most common poses in such a deep way that you'll have the confidence to go to a beginners yoga class with excitement instead of anxiety.


not new to yoga

if you're wanting to get more strength, stretch or relaxation out of your current yoga practice...this might be a good fit for you. you will learn the subtle shifts you can make to get deeper into your postures that might not be easy for a teacher to suggest during a full class.

"My nerves are much less in class now. I just grab the extra things I need and have stopped fearing some of the positions"

who I am

and how it relates to this workshop

I'm slightly obsessed with the body, how it works and moves and the variety of things in life that impact it. strength + beauty are based in awareness, not in results.


I have master's degree in occupational therapy, I've been teaching yoga for 8 years and I'm currently immersing myself in all things pelvic health related...because "our hips don't lie"


overall, this workshop and beyond, I want to help people reconnect with themselves so they can be their best version. because when we're our best we can give our best to others + that's what builds a beautiful life.

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Deconstructed Yoga Workshop Feedback

Thank you so much for participating in Deconstructed Yoga Workshop, it was such a joy having you be a part of this.

The purpose of this feedback form is twofold:

  1. I want to make this workshop as beneficial as possible to all who participate. So, all kind of suggestions are welcome [+ encouraged!]

  2. This part is totally optional, but I would also love to share your feedback as a testimonial to use on my webpage for the next round. So, positive feedback is also very welcomed if you feel compelled to! (I'll ask your permission to use your words at the end of the form)

Please let me know if you have any questions or run into any issues.

Thank you so much for taking the time,


get the suburban hippie happenings

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