some good ideas and some adjustments...good idea: bring this loft ledge wall headboard idea into reality not only because it's gonna be so dope but because I'll feel amazing as I show up for myself doing new and hard things. the adjustment: don't do carpentry projects in the dead of winter without a takes forever...I can't wait for our barn. also don't take on a huge project while the entire house is getting new flooring installed...too much chaos.
I've made some major progress and I'm really glad I'm not being timed. this is one of the biggest projects I have taken on in relation to my skills when I started so I've been learning a lot as I go. a ton of trial-error and watching videos on YouTube, which leads to more trial-error.
if the only thing I take from this project is the ability to let go of my attachment to time, that will be huge win.
above: prepping the nooks for built in electrical outlets + practicing my skills in transferring measurements from the wall to the nook...I kinda nailed it. Bob realized I was putting the electrical on the wrong side of the nook...glad he caught that before too long.
what I'm learning from this project
for me, detaching from time would look like being kinder to myself as projects take up more space in my calendar than I originally planned. being more present in the task at hand while letting go of the 'rushing' feeling as I'm working on something new. and keeping some boundaries around working on tasks/projects while also enjoying all the other things that make up life.