we're in day ten of small living and as of now I'd have to say that we were kinda built for this. with Bob's knack for clearing boxes and stashing things in all the nooks and crannies paired with my love for functional, pretty organization...I have to admit that we are kinda rocking it over here.
when we bought the place, Russ + Terrie, told us they were leaving everything and they weren't kidding. this has been so helpful to have the different spaces already setup. the only two pieces we brought in were the coffee bar and trash can. now as we unpack we're deciding what we will keep and where it will go...a little swap-a-roo sorta thing as we make this place our own.

seeing how much we love to cook I am beyond relieved that we were able to get our whole kitchen to fit in this little space.
I'm thanking my mom for passing her organization skills on to me and so glad I've spent so much of my life drooling over home organization pictures and blogs. turns out that wasn't wasted time.
with a fully functioning kitchen all other things seem possible. we're able to get back to home cooked meals that have been m.i.a. since about early march.
another huge win was getting our king sized, tempurpedic [heavy + awkward to move] bed into the loft. I was doubtful I would be much help and figured it would take four people. Bob was unsure that it really would fit despite us measuring multiple times. turns out I'm stronger than I realize and Bob's more determined than he thought because we got it done! we definitely impressed ourselves that day. and it's going to be such a dope and cozy spot.
Bob made some space in the sunroom/sewing studio, for me to be able to walk around to start wrapping my head around that beast of a project. Just about every part of me wants to ignore the idea of turning it into a functional workspace...it just feels like such a big undertaking. And that's what I signed up for so I guess I better put my big girl pants on.
while creating space in the sunroom, lots of boxes got moved to Bob's office making it the weight room and storage shed in addition to his work space. It's insulated but doesn't have heat so he gets mega props for working in the chilly weather. me on the other hand, I'm loving not having to hear all of his conference calls like I did at the cincinnati house.
I'll also be putzing away at the bathroom organization and the small storage nook above the bathroom for optimal space usage. And, as we settle in, I'm keeping the over arching theme of sustainability a priority. I'm trying to re-use if possible, donate before sending to the landfill and when I'm buying new I'm mindful of how and what things are made from. I love to live this way and it's going to double as a niche feature when we have our sustainable rental experiences in the future.